Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thank you

I guess I should thank my teacher Mrs. Pitney for getting me into blogging. Just the other day my mother said"Do you want to see Mrs. Pitney's book blog." I said sure. After seeing it I was all excited because I wanted a blog too. It took me a while to make it but here it is. Please enjoy.

1 comment:

The Rare-its said...

I love this book blog! It's awesome.

I am excited to see what the next post will be about your books, reading or others books, and more!

I'll be starting a new job soon, so I may not be around for a while, (because I'm also moving to a new address)- so when I get internet again, i'll be back to check out what's next!

I love you-
this is AWESOME!

Aunt Mary